Happy About Working to Stay Young (eBook pdf)

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Expanded Careers for Boomers and Seniors

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You are a Boomer or Senior considering the joys of retirement. Some of your friends have already taken the plunge. Sleeping late, playing golf or tennis, volunteering at your favorite charity, finally tackling your list of personal projects, wandering the globe, spending more time with your grandchildren, and just loafing seem very attractive. So should you put in for the gold watch?

No way!

This is the time to fulfill your career dreams, to make a truly lasting contribution to your company, industry, and profession. Many obstacles kept you from realizing your true potential earlier; now is your time to make your mark. The global economy needs your knowledge, skills, and, most of all, your wisdom.

Guess what? You’ll actually be more valuable to your family and society and your favorite causes and you’ll find more time for travel, sports and hobbies if you continue to receive pay for your contributions.

This book will provide you with dozens of reasons to have a job or a career after 60 both for yourself and for others. Beyond that, it will show you how to achieve these goals in a youth-oriented society.