Go Ahead, Start A Movement (Author)

$12.00 $10.20

There is an inner yearning within each of us. A faint but powerful whisper telling us that there’s something more. That we’re destined to have a bigger impact than we’re having now. A voice that once expressed, will inspire others to their own greatness and in a very profound way, make the world better. This is your movement, and if you’ve ever felt a pull that you could be having a bigger impact, then you know that life is calling your movement to come out from within you. This is why you are here.

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There is an inner yearning within each of us. A faint but powerful whisper telling us that there’s something more. That we’re destined to have a bigger impact than we’re having now. A voice that once expressed, will inspire others to their own greatness and in a very profound way, make the world better. This is your movement, and if you’ve ever felt a pull that you could be having a bigger impact, then you know that life is calling your movement to come out from within you. This is why you are here.